Nesti is a digital platform for teachers based on the NestingPlay methodology, which helps them to monitor children in a complex way and to bridge developmental gaps and support them with playful activities. 

This web-based application ishelping teachers to identify what is the reason of a troubling behaviour and how to help the child's development through targeted play, and also facilitates smoother communication between the parents and the institutions/teachers.

How can Nesti help? 

  • With Nesti you can follow the development of a child through years. 
  • You can track the child's development using a diagram.
  • Nesti makes your work easier. For example, it will notify you when the next measurement is due. 
  • Nesti provides playful activities designed to enhance delayed abilities.
  • It offers creative ideas on integrating a child with developmental delays into the group's everyday activities.
Nesti Webapp
If you need more information, contact us!